- 始まり
- 回答
- Q1:1218世界のP.A.シャポーのように楽器の経験はありますか?
- Q2:ネメシスがオシリス世界を離れてから何か連絡がありましたか?
- Q3:ネメシス世界でいつ啓示の夜が起こったか知っていますか?
- Q4:アバドンプライム以降、1218世界のP.A.シャポーと連絡を取りましたか?
- Q5:テッセレーションの最中で、テザーハンドとはどのように連絡を取っていましたか?電話、メール、あるいはテレパシーで?
- Q6:オシリス世界では、4つのプライムアノマリー以外にもアノマリーが発生していたのでしょうか?例えば、オブシディアン、イージスノヴァ、エクゾファイブなどです。
- Q7:身に付けているかっこいい帽子はいつ、どのようにして手に入れたのですか?
- Q8:オペレーション・コーランの最中、あなたは2人のハンクを同時に呼び出しました。どのようにしてこれを実現しましたか?または何かウェブサービスを利用したのでしょうか?
- Q9:日本に滞在した事はありますか?
- Q10:1218PACがまだ知られていなかった時にホームページに掲載したプロフィール写真の人物が誰か分かりますか? それとも誰だと思いますか?
- Q11&Q12:ADAの居場所を聞いたことがありますか?ウェンディは何か知っていると思いますか?シェイパーが倒された後、ジャービスはどうしていますか?XMに対する感性を回復させようとしているのでしょうか?エンライテンドのリーダーを辞任するのでしょうか? / ウェンディは裏切り者で、ADAから情報を得ていると思いますか?
- 英語原文
Ingressのストーリーラインの週刊まとめと解説で知られるLYCAEUM WRAP-UPでお馴染みMailEaterがP.A.シャポーへの質問をIngressフォーラムで募った(英語)。
※笛の画像が示された。「告発する」という意味のblow the whistle onを示している様子。 |
テッセレーションが終結してネメシスはオシリス世界から去った。ruindig.hatenablog.jp |
テッセレーションの最中にネメシス世界での28日間の出来事について記された物語が公開された。啓示の夜は1日目に起こったとされる。28日間の出来事の全容については以下のファンサイトの記事を参照。ingress.lycaeum.netlycaeumtessellation.blogspot.com |
1218世界のP.A.シャポーがオシリス世界のP.A.シャポーに語りかける動画がある。 |
※無回答だが、後に帽子が何を指しているのか分からなかったため、答えられなかったとしている。 1218世界のP.A.シャポーの帽子は、プラハで催されたコンサートの折に流浪のバイオリン奏者から譲り受けた逸話があるという。詳しくは以下のファンサイトの記事を参照。 |
オシリス世界と1218世界の2人のハンク・ジョンソンがP.A.シャポーからの電話に同時に応じる場面は以下の動画の通り。 |
テッセレーションでの「スタイン・ライトマン」のテッセラの手がかりからライトマンが過去に日本の四国巡礼に訪れた事が分かっている。 |
Q10:1218PACがまだ知られていなかった時にホームページに掲載したプロフィール写真の人物が誰か分かりますか? それとも誰だと思いますか?
該当するのはBloggerの以下のページになる。 |
Q11&Q12:ADAの居場所を聞いたことがありますか?ウェンディは何か知っていると思いますか?シェイパーが倒された後、ジャービスはどうしていますか?XMに対する感性を回復させようとしているのでしょうか?エンライテンドのリーダーを辞任するのでしょうか? / ウェンディは裏切り者で、ADAから情報を得ていると思いますか?
Truthseeker: As promised. @MailEater
Q1. do you have any experience with any musical instruments, as you do in the 1218 Universe?
Q2. have you heard anything from Nemesis since they left Osiris?
Not a peep from Nemesis since they left, no. And I’m honestly a little surprised they held up their end of the bargain. I guess what they did helped us in the end, but it’s clear they only did it because it also helped themselves. The fact that we were strange bedfellows by the end doesn’t mean I trust them. But, hey, anybody can change, right? If they’re really running around the multiverse fighting the Exogenous, maybe the experience will change them for the better. I may not trust them, but I certainly don’t wish them ill.
Q3. do you know when Epiphany night happened in Nemesis Universe?
I do not. All I know is what you know, the 28 Days that followed it. But I don’t know precisely when it happened.
Q4. Have you been contacted by 1218PAC after Abaddon Prime?
I have not, and frankly, I’m not mad at that. Like, don’t get me wrong, he seemed like a perfectly good guy, and I’m not gonna lie and say it wasn’t kind of thrilling to see a version of myself who took a different fork in the road. But, I’ll be honest, on any given day, I struggle to deal with what our own world throws at me. I know there’s an entire multiverse out there and that no matter what we do, we can’t unring that bell… but it’s kind of nice, for a change, to be back to just dealing with our own problems. That said, whatever’s going on in the 1218 Universe these days, I hope my counterpart there is happy and safe.
Q5. How did you communicate with your Tethered Hand during Tessellation? By phone, email, or even telepathy?
A private chat interface that I use.
Q6. Did any other Anomaly occur in the Osiris Universe other than the 4 Prime Anomaly? For example, Obsidian, Aegis Nova and EXO5, etc.
It is entirely possible - nay, probable - that there have been Anomaly events in the Osiris Universe that most of us weren’t aware of. But I, personally, only know about the ones that all of you know about it. Judging from what I’ve learned about the 1218 Universe, if all of those events DID happen here, our own sequence of events happened on an incredibly abbreviated timeline compared to how it all played out in 1218.
Q7. How and when did you get the cool hat you're wearing?
Q8. During Operation Ko-Lan, you called 2 Hanks at the same time. How did you achieve this? Did you use any web services?
I called a single number, and apparently it linked to both of them. Looks like they have more in common than we think. Cross-dimensional cell network is amazing.
Q9: Have you ever visited Japan?
Yes, but only very limited areas. Dr. Lightman’s pilgrimage in Shikoku is next up on my list.
Q10. do you know who the person in the profile picture that 1218PAC posted on his website when we didn't yet know him was? or who do you think he is?
Whoa, interesting. I’ve never seen that before! Are you absolutely certain that blogger site was set up by the 1218 PAC? Because we’ve definitely seen evidence of inter-node travel, and a bleeding of information from one world to another. Maybe that site was set up by a third PAC from an entirely different world. Interestingly, if that’s the case, it seems like this PAC is a Truthseeker too. Am I a Truthseeker in every world where I exist? You’d think that with nigh infinite universes, the points of distinction between counterparts would be just as varied. But based on what we know so far, so many of us involved in the XM investigation here seem to have counterparts who are just as invested in that line of inquiry in their own worlds. Food for thought.
From comments
Q: Have you heard about ADA whereabouts? Do you think Wendy knows something? How is Jarvis doing after Shaper's downfall? Will he try to restore his sensitivity? Will he resign as ENL leader?
Q: You think wendy is a traitor and is getting information from ADA?
Answering these bundles of question together:
Look, you know that I of all people have had a complicated history with ADA. It definitely seems like she was playing both sides against the middle last year. Or more likely she was just interested in advancing her own ends and didn’t care how it ended up for anybody else.
As far as Wendy goes, I definitely wouldn’t characterize her as a traitor. If anything, she’s been used and abused throughout this entire process. There’s been nary a second since she became involved in the XM investigation that there wasn’t one or multiple individuals striving to **** her individuality away from her. Jarvis. ADA. Klue.
Honestly, I hope we’ve reached a point when she’s finally passed all of that. All this time, we’ve know a Wendy who’s only been half herself. I wanna get to know the whole her.x
As to Jarvis, what’s come to pass in the aftermath of the Exogenous being tuned out is more or less exactly what Jarvis had feared, so my guess is he’s distraught. I also think he’ll do everything within his power to regain his Sensitivity, yes. I suppose you raise a fair question: Can someone who is no longer Sensitive to XM lead one of the Factions? I guess the answer to that remains to be seen. I know the Acolyte kept his seat warm for him while he was trapped in the Anomalous Bubble, and by all reports, she is still an active Sensitive. I guess it will be interesting to see if she cedes power back to her mentor in his current state, or if she’ll make a play to keep running things herself.