「Coda of Nemesis Sequence」と題する投稿がIngressフォーラムで公開された。ネメシスシークエンスの終結を伝える内容になっている。テッセレーションの終結と思われる動画も同時に公開されている。
結局、マグナス―ナイアンティックプロジェクトの研究者―だけがテッセレーションを調整して、外界との関係を前進させるための世界を確立する事ができた。そして、まあ、国家情報局が受け取ったこの通信は彼らの行動の結果を私達に示している。 彼らはテッセレーションを再構成し、エクゾジェナスは私達の世界へ進入できず、XMを介して私達に影響を与える事もできなくなった。
今、おそらく人類の歴史上初めて、エキゾチックマターは人間が利用し研究するための安全な物質であり、異次元の侵略者に影響される心配はなくなった。XMは悪用されると危険なのか?その通りだ。政府や民間企業にもXMの力を悪質な目的に用いる勢力がいるのか?間違いない。だが、少なくとも今はXMは私達の制御下で利用している。これだけやってもXMが破滅の道具になるなら…私達の責任は自分達で取るだけだ。だけどそうはならないだろう。危険はあってもXMは世界を変える可能性を秘めている。そして、私はエージェントの皆がXMを良い方向に活用する事を注視している事に関わっているのを知っている。私達の目の前にはまだ多くのやるべき事が待ち受けている。 しかし今のところ、今日ここで私達の世界の勝利を祝うために少し時間を割ける余裕があると思う。
Truthseekers: The NIA intercepted a transmission of the tuning of the Tessellation. I believe some of you may already have seen it.
This is a great milestone we have crossed in the protection of our world. But, at the same time, I find myself wondering, where do we go from here? And are there things we may have overlooked?
But, before we move forward, we should probably take a second to look back at how we got here. And to understand that… we have to understand the Tessellation.
As we understand it, the Tessellation is a membrane that regulates the degree to which Exogenous entities can influence our world. In the final months of our battle with Nemesis, we learned that they come from another Earth, where their Tessellation had been shattered. And, seeing the devastation left in the wake of the Exogenous invasion of their world, it quickly became clear just how important that membrane could be.
In the end, only our Magnus - the Niantic Project Researchers - could tune the Tessellation, to set the tone for our world’s relationship with the Exogenous moving forward. And, well, this intercept the NIA has received shows us the results of their actions. They reconfigured the Tessellation such that the Exogenous cannot gain ingress into our world, and can no longer even influence us through XM. Now, for perhaps the first time in human history, Exotic Matter is safe for humans to harness and study, without fear of being influenced by would-be extradimensional invaders. Is XM still dangerous in the wrong hands? Sure. Are there forces out there, in the government and the private sector, that would corrupt the power of XM to their own nefarious ends? Absolutely. But at least now, we’re dealing with XM on our terms. If, after all of this, XM still ends up being the instrument of our destruction… well, then we’ll have only ourselves to blame. But I don’t think that’s how it’s gonna go. For all its dangers, XM also has within it the potential to change the world for the better. And I know you Agents out there are committed to seeing it leveraged for the good. There’s still a lot of work ahead of us. But for now, I think we can afford to take a moment to celebrate our world’s victory here today.
Some of you have inquired after the condition of the Researchers. Well, I have been in contact with them, and they wanted me to convey that they are all in one piece. But there was a cost to tuning the Tessellation. The Researchers have lost their sensitivity to XM altogether. On the flip side, they’re all - each and every one - flesh and blood humans again… even Hank and Lightman, who straight up died years ago. So, as one door shuts to them, another one opens. Back from exile. Back to life, in some cases. For some, maybe even a chance at leading a normal life, if that’s something they even want. On a personal note, I count many of the Researchers as my friends, and I for one cannot wait to see until I can see them face to face again. You know, whenever it becomes safe to do so.
Digging a little deeper into the intercepted video… I’m told by the Researchers that what we’re looking at is an interface built by Stein Lightman and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe to facilitate the tuning of the Tessellation. I’ll be honest with you, I’m a hacker. I’m known for it. But it’s gonna take me a while to fully grock what they built here. But I did notice that, right around the time the Obsidian Arrowhead was activated, the names of the Portals where the Tesserae were found were uploaded into the system, as were the names of you Agents who contributed to finding them.
I think it was recording our trajectory, the path we took to achieve the tuning. Based on research I’ve obtained from the 1218 Universe, our Tessellation journey is reminiscent of the one taken by the explorer Obsidius on that world. I also noticed a few other things that harken back to past Ingress Investigations… The word “Jörmungandr.” The Ouroboros. It makes me think that even though each Tessellation is designed to protect one particular world, they’re all somehow connected via a broader network. Our worlds are connected. Osiris, 1218, Nemesis… maybe others? Time will tell on that, I guess.
As usual, in a lot of ways, this transmission leaves us with more questions than answers.
Are we now truly safe from the Exogenous? Or could they find a way back? How soon will a Magnus be able to tune the Tessellation again, and could they reverse all of the gains we’ve made?
Have we truly seen the last of Nemesis? Is there anything else they conveniently forgot to tell us? And are our fates now permanently intertwined with theirs, now that we share the same Tessellation?
Will the Researchers ever be able to reactivate their sensitivity to XM? I’d bet you good money people like Roland Jarvis are gonna try.
ADA fell off the map so to speak at the end of this. Where did she go? What’s her next move?
How will the Factions change, in the light of the Exogenous being taken out of the mix?
And, there of course, is the eternal question: What is the Niantic Project… now that the mission of Magnus has been completed?
I don’t pretend to know the answers to these questions. But, I am - as ever - dedicated to unraveling these mysteries, Truthseekers. Thank you again or your part in this victory we’ve achieved. And stay tuned. This ain’t over yet.
Source: Ingress Community Forums, Coda of Nemesis Sequence, https://community.ingress.com/en/discussion/11755/coda-of-nemesis-sequence/p1, posted on July 31st, 2020 4:35pm, last accessed on August 4th, 2020.