
短かったり長かったりする。Blog posts are my own.

Feedback to Twitter #1


This is feedback to Twitter #1.*1

  1. I often retweet followee's liked tweet on my timeline. But some people doesn't like the timeline has tweet whose your followee liked. So there should have the settings option "on/off options of your timeline has followee's liked tweet".
    Illustrate work post at twitter, RTs and Likes is most important indicators.
    I know there're bookmarks, but it doesn't make any sense. These days, when your tweets are bookmarked, we can't confirm it at notifications and tweet activity menu.

  2. I already send feedbacks about this, but this time I send again.
    "the list of moments you liked" is like bookmarks I imagined. Not opened.

  3. The bookmarks, can be classified by accounts you following and have keyword search will be good.



*1: Twitterへの第1回フィードバックです。いいねしたツイートがタイムラインに流れる件、いいねしたモーメントを一覧にして確認できる機能、ブックマーク機能におけるキーワード検索機能について。