
短かったり長かったりする。Blog posts are my own.

Feedback to Twitter #3

Feedback to Twitter #3.*1

Part 1.

"Tweet with photo", only on iOS app, will make some troubles of copyright. For example, plagiarism. So it should be show a credit like when you quote a movie from another tweet, like this.


 Part 2.

Why did you change the "Today's Moments" to "What's happening? (Collection type)" at explore tab on Android and iOS app?

The number of followers @Twitter is 55.2M, @TwitterMoments is597K, and oppotunity of check moments is only from trends now. And visiting time per tweet will decrease. From these number, oppotunities and time, it should be change to Moments.

But, these collections are better than Moments when it share outside of Twitter, like Facebook, Google+, any other blogs.


